Thursday, June 13, 2013


28 days to raise $2000
60 days to raise $1500
45 days to raise $2200
13 days 12 hours 6 minutes... Start Malaria meds
15 days 16 hours 6 minutes... Leave for Kenya

Counting down days, hours, minutes, and seconds has never really been something I've focused on until recently. It seems like it was just three or four weeks ago that I was starting to get ready for this trip and begin the fundraising to go to Kenya and now the departure date is almost here. As the time to leave draws near, more and more emotions are beginning to surface.

Excited? I don't think that's really the right word for how I feel, but it does kind of begin to put into words what I am feeling.

Nervous? Probably a bit more than I am willing to admit. The flight is longer than I've ever been on a plane before... I've never been through customs at an airport before... I've never flown out of the country or over water before... There are a lot of unknowns with this trip, but I think that is what makes the adventure so exciting. An adventure without some unknowns really isn't going to amount to much of an adventure. It would be more like every day life and that doesn't really equate out to much of an adventure in my book.

Anxious? I don't know if this would qualify as that negative form of being anxious that results in stress. The anxious feelings that I have been having recently are more related to the fact that I am ready for the dreams that I have been having about this experience to become a reality.

So many more emotions are there just bubbling under the surface but still in too much of a tangle to make much sense of them all right now. I can say this. I am looking forward to this experience. It is going to be the trip of a lifetime that holds the promise of life changing experiences daily.

I will do my best to keep the blog up to date as I am there in Kenya. I look forward to sharing the experiences that I have with you?

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