Monday, July 1, 2013

The Journey Begins

Going on a mission trip is not something new to this somewhat tired traveler. Going on a trip this far away for this long has been a new and eye opening experience and I have only been traveling for three days.

Sleeping the night before we left was nearly impossible. I tried to rationalize this in my head by convincing myself that I would have plenty of time to sleep while we were flying. That was far from the truth of how things went. Getting through security was just as interesting. I've not been through such intense security at the airport before and so that was most certainly a new experience.

The first flight was incredibly full. It seemed like there were people everywhere. Thankfully, we were toward the back of the plane, which helped for being able to feel comfortable in leaning the seat back as far as I could to stretch out. I can honestly say that I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was for being on the plane that long. It was nice having a seemingly endless supply of movies and music to watch and listen to, but after a while there's only so much you can do before you begin to feel slightly stir crazy. Sleeping on the plane was tough. About the time you are ready to fall asleep it seems like there was a crazy amount of turbulence or it was time for a meal or a snack or a drink. Note to self.... Bring several drinks with you on the next long flight.... The small cups of whatever you wanted to drink when they came around seemed to just bring out the need to drink even more. Lesson learned!

The airport in Dubai was absolutely beautiful and just bustling with people. The layover didn't seem nearly as long as I imagined it would. It felt absolutely amazing to be able to get up and walk around. After a quick snack at McDonald's... I know what you must be thinking... You're in a foreign country... Why not try something you can't get at home? Here's your answer... I was brave and tried new things on the plane... I'll stick with more familiar foods for a bit... it was time to head over to the gate and check in for the next flight. The second flight was crowded and again I was thankful to be at the back of the plane and able to feel like I could stretch out... Well somewhat stretch out... As soon as we had taken off and the seat belt light went off, I believe I fell soundly asleep for about an hour and a half. It was nice to sleep but strange to wake up and have such a stiff feeling in my neck and shoulder from leaning on the wall next to me. The flight seemed to go quite smoothly and for supper that night I ended up having some kind of a lamb dish... Not sure I want to eat it again soon, but it wasn't terrible. I don't think that I have ever been so happy to see a plane land as I was Sunday night.

The Mennonite House where we are staying is nice. The property is absolutely gorgeous. I will try to get some pictures tomorrow and include them with the blog. Just before meal and tea times someone comes around with a xylophone or metalophone (didn't get a close enough look to see for sure which it was) to announce to the guests that things are ready. There are beautiful blooming flowers and trees, green grass, and peaceful looking nooks all over the place.

Going around the city today was a different experience. I was completely taken aback at how much English I saw and heard. The only foreign country I had been to before was Mexico and there you don't see writing in any other language besides Spanish, so I suppose that was what I expected to see when I got here. It's a nice feeling to be in a foreign country and feel like you can communicate easily with people. I think that takes away some of the natural stress you feel while on a trip like this to begin with. We strolled through some different shops and stores before we went to have lunch. I can tell you this much, after not eating much on the plane, a "real" meal was nice. It was nice to sit and visit and just work on getting acclimated to the time change, the surrounding, the sights, the sounds, and the smells. After a yummy lunch, we went to the mall. I suppose the thing that surprised me the most at the mall was the fact that there was a grocery store in the mall. I just can't picture myself walking into the Longview Mall and coming out with my arms loaded down with groceries.

All in all the experience so far would have to be classified as wonderful with some quit unexpected surprises. I am looking forward with anticipation to the things that God is preparing to show me through these experiences. It is sure to be a time of much learning, if I will be open enough to receive what He has for me.

Tomorrow begins the work! Prayers are greatly appreciated for continued health for the team, peaceful rest for everyone, and receptive hearts to the messages we have to share.

I look forward to updating again as soon as I have the chance.

Much love to you all,

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