Sunday, August 25, 2013


See if you can picture this... 
A dull brown wooden chest with a rusted iron lock..
Would you be tempted to look inside? Or would you just pass it up because what you see on the outside doesn't pull you in for a closer look? 

Now picture this...
The lid to the chest is being opened and inside you see glittering gold coins, sparkling jewels gold bars... TREASURE... 
The outside appearance of the chest didn't give you any clues as to what might lie inside waiting on you. However, you had to take a chance that what you might find would be worth the time and effort you put into it. 

Treasure... such an interesting word. It is something that we hold on to because we believe it has high value. Expensive cars, huge houses, designer clothes, bigger and better electronics, flashy jewelry...High value items according to society's standards. Not, however, what I would consider to be treasure.

Treasures are things that are irreplaceable. They don't have monetary value necessarily, but their worth goes beyond what we could fathom in the way of monetary worth. Smiles from children, their hugs, their laughter, meaningful relationships with people, family, friends, salvation, experiences, once in a lifetime opportunities... those are just some of the things that I believe would be much more worthy of the title treasure. 

Scripture says in Deuteronomy 26:18 " And the Lord has declared this day that you are his people, his treasured possession as he promised and that you are to keep all his commands." A promise to the Israelites from the Old Testament, but no less applicable to us. God view us as His treasured possession. Isn't that an amazing promise? I rejoice in that knowledge. God treasures me. How much more meaningful would relationships with other people be if we treated them as if we treasured them? How much more effective would ministry be if we treasured people and not what they are able to do for us or the ministry? 

While being here in Kenya, I have seen things that I can never unsee. I have heard things I can never unhear. I have smelled things I can never unsmell, and yet in all of that I treasure those memories. You can't buy experiences like this. In my children's Bible storybook, I have lots of little pieces of paper with notes and pictures on them. I will keep them there for a long as I can. They are special notes and pictures written and drawn out of love and to me that is absolutely irreplaceable.

I am a blessed woman indeed.I have a boyfriend that loves and cares for me. I have a group of children that call me mom. I have been in Kenya for almost two months now and still have another month to go before I have to leave to go home.  Today as I sit here writing this blog, I can't even begin to count the memories that have been made here in Kenya that will forever be treasured gems in my memory. I can't even begin to write out all of the stories of the times that I have felt the arms of a child wrap around me and pull me down close to them to hear their stories, dry their tears, listen to their secrets, and hear sweet loving words from them to me. Today I ask of you only this, consider what you treasure most and whether or not moths and rust can destroy it. I leave you with this Matthew 6:19-21 " Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth where moth and rust destroy. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moths and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where you treasure is there your heart will be also."

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