Thursday, July 4, 2013

A lot to Take In

Today was one of those days where you can't quite seem to get a good grasp on all of the things that you have seen, heard, smelled, tasted, and experienced. It's almost as if some of it feels like it came directly from a dream. As I am sitting here writing this, I am beginning to feel more and more that most certainly what I experienced today was the farthest thing from a dream.

Close your eyes... Well not really because that would make reading kind of difficult, but imagine if you will, gray dusty streets filled with people, cars, animals, and every kind of trash and waste you can imagine. Now add to that noise. Noise from people, noise from the animals, noise from the cars... Just lots and lots of noise. Now add to that the smell of raw sewage, burning trash, dirty animals, body odor, cooking food, burning charcoal, raw fish, and probably a million other things that I just don't have the right words to describe. Can you picture it?? Can you smell it? Can you hear it? Trust me it is not something that once you have experienced you will be soon to forget. These words of mine truly aren't enough to even begin to put into words what the experience of going into the second largest slum in the world was like. It is sensory overload.
This isn't from the slum that we visited this morning, but it gives you an example of the kinds of livestock that just roam freely through the streets. Add to that sheep, dogs, cats, pigs, and goats and you have a general idea of the things we saw.

This is one of the teachers and her children from the school in the slum.

 Another group of the children from the school along with Hannah, Zoe, and Misty.
 Zoe and two of the children in the slum. Do you notice something on their faces that you don't always see on the faces of the children at home in America? That's called joy.
At the school we visited in the Mathare slum, we were able to see the Scout Team practicing. They are very good at what they are doing. They are very respectful and polite.
More of the Scout team practicing.
 Again the scout team. They were really cute!
 Looking up from the end of the street, in the slum this was the view. In the light of such desolation and despair, you find this picture of beauty.
 The children were waiting to perform for us. They were such sweet children. The one thing that I noticed the most about them was the way they obey.
 They are just beautiful! I think they may have already captured a piece of my heart.

 Some of the teachers praying with Chris over the school and the children.
 A view of the slum. Can you imagine your house being made of just pieces of random materials? Can you imagine your house being this close to your next door neighbor? Can you imagine living with about a million other people... and livestock... and trash... and sewage?
These children are just wonderful. They are so happy! Living in the midst of such terrible conditions and they still have joy!
Like I said, it has been a day that makes you wonder whether or not you are waking up from a horrible dream. Time will make things make sense and help to heal the pains in my heart. For now, it is enough to know that I was blessed to have encountered these precious children who have absolutely captured a part of my heart.
Tomorrow morning we leave for Kitale and a brand new adventure will await me there. Looking forward to more experiences!

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