Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The house is very quiet this morning after the rush of suitcases, backpacks, and people out the door. There isn't any chatter. There isn't any laughter. It is just very, very quiet. The only sounds I hear right now are the clicking of the keyboard, the quiet hum of the fan on my laptop, and the occasional sniffle of my nose.

I have never been very comfortable just sitting in the quiet and listening. I feel like there needs to be something going on. Maybe that's the lesson here. Sit still, be quiet, and listen for what God is saying to me.

My heart is full and ready to just overflow with so many different emotions floating around. Perhaps the quiet is what I need to be able to sort through them all.

I do know this. In just a few short hours, the second team will be landing in Nairobi, and in just a few days the team will be here with me in Kitale and the house will no longer be quiet. There will once again be laughter and chatter, although I am certain it won't be anything quite like "God bless America... Who lives in a pineapple under the sea..." or "Asante sana squash banana".

Until then, I am content to listen to the quietness and learn whatever it is that God is trying to teach me.

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