Wednesday, July 17, 2013


What is it about being a woman that makes you think you are Wonder Woman and you have to accomplish everything in one day? Why is it that sitting down to rest is such a challenge? Exactly what do I think isn't going to be there tomorrow if I don't do it all today? Am I going to miss out on something? Am I going to lose a race? Is someone going to accomplish more than me? Will there be someone that I didn't take care of the way that I should have if I take a little time to rest for myself? I have so many thoughts and questions just racing through my mind right now!
Rest, my child. You need to just rest.
I heard a soft and peaceful voice telling me these words in my dreams last night. Comforting and delightful feelings wrapped around me as I drifted farther and farther into deep sleep.

 I know that I have been needing to rest. I can feel it deep down, but it is hard for me to justify sitting down and resting when there is work to be done. There are things that need doing, meals that need cooking, children that need loving, and the list goes on and on and on. I know that the same things will be there the next day and the many days after that, but there is something pressing about needing to make the most of every day that I have here and not letting one go to waste.

Pushing through and continuing to work even when you don't feel well isn't a foreign concept. You can't sit down every time you feel bad and just wait for it to pass. Life doesn't wait on you to feel better. You have to keep going. I suppose that is just some jacked up logic imposed upon people in society because you are expected to do it all faster, smarter, and bigger than the person before you. It's like we don't want to be left out or behind. This week I am quickly, quickly learning that you have to take time out to rest, or your body is going to force you into resting so that it can get what it needs to build you back up and keep you going. To say that I haven't felt great for the last few days would be the absolute truth. As a result of the dry, dusty air, a sore throat has been bothering me for several days and is now being accompanied by overwhelming exhaustion and a headache that varies in intensity throughout the day. Thankfully, we have had time every afternoon to come home and relax, and that helps tremendously in keeping me running. However, because I know that I have work to do, I will put that all too familiar smile on my face and keep going no matter if the headache is bad or not or I am tired or not.

Yesterday afternoon, completely out of concern for my well being, a certain special guy informed me that I really needed to rest. This is a whole new experience for me. I am not used to having someone else looking out for my well being. It has always been up to me to make the decisions and take care of the things that needed to be done. I am incredibly thankful that God has chosen to place someone in my life that looks out for my well being.  Today, after much debating with myself, I am staying home to rest. It is much needed. I realized last night that I have been pushing myself a lot more than usual and not taking the recovery time to let my body recharge. Late nights and early mornings are starting to catch up with me. I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything in the world, but I am realizing that if I don't take the time to rest now, later on I won't be able to enjoy the things God has prepared for me here in Kitale, Kenya.

For today, I am content to listen to the birds merrily chirping and watch the beauty of Kenya through the doors facing the backyard at Hospitality House rather than viewing it all from the window of a vehicle as I am whisked away to one location or another. Tomorrow, I am certain that it will be back into the same routine of school, lunch, cooking, and going to the orphanage. Today is though is all about resting.

Enjoy your day!

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